Jack Whimzee

'Everybody's out for something...right?'

AboutName: Jack Whimzee
Age: 29
Birthplace: Thavnair
Race: Veena
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/They
Sexuality: Queer
Height: 5'1
Physical: Blue hair, Silver eyes, Treebranch like antlers

Jack of All TradesHaving travelled the world, Jack has seen and done plenty to satisfy his interests and needs. From the arts, to how to handle himself in a fight. His skill set is wide and varies. He adapts to what any situation may call for.

Eorzean TravelerJack has traveled the seas since he was the age of sixteen. He's seen a variety of sights and is always ready to see more. The sea is his home, and there will never be a place to compare.

Culinary ExpertJack loves to cook, bake, and brew up tea. He has his own recipes memorized and always aims to perfect them. He's always happy to share his cooking. It's his true passion and first love.

Likes✧ Cooking for himself, and others✧ His personal tea and spice collection✧ Bloodying his hands (Whether he admits it, or not)✧ A good bit of rough intimacy✧ Games, of all kinds


Jack is a viera who hails from Vanaspati, in Thavnair. He's travelled the world and lived multiple lives in a short time span.From Thavnair, to Old Sharlayan, to the rough seas, he has plenty of tales to tell. If he's willing to share.


Jack lost his shame a long time ago. Meaning if there's something that he wants, he's going to get it through any means he can. Making himself an object is nothing new to him. He will flutter his lashes and flirt to get what he desires.

CryptidThe first thing that stands out about the man is the antlers which sprout from his head. They're an engima he keeps under tight wraps. The truth is not something easy for him to relive.

Contact BookHaving lived multiple lives has it's own benefits. He has connections in all sorts of places. Information is something that if needed, he can get passed along easily.

Dislikes✧ Snapping.✧ Begging.✧ Being left on his own.✧ Unseasoned food.✧ His trust and loyalty being broken.✧ People with a stick up their ass.✧ Chocobos.